Zhong Lanzhu Shoes (2nd) from Love Live


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06-20 19:40 Brendan McKenna
Hello, I am looking to make a purchase for this here https://m.cosplayfu.com/product/Zhong+Lanzhu+Shoes+%282nd%29+from+Love+Live I am confused in what it means for "Boot Height". Are you asking for the height of the heel or how high up the boot will go up the leg? If you are asking for how high up the boot will go, will the measurement need to be based off the length from the bottom of my foot to the desired point of my leg?
06-20 22:54 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Brendan McKenna, boot height is from the heel to the boot mouth position you want. :) 
You could check the order guide picture from the order information here: 
