Utau Cosplay (Seraphic Charm) from Shugo Chara


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03-03 04:56 UtauAngel
Okay thank you :) can i ask when the picture of the outfit will be Shown?
03-04 03:24 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello, we'll update the product photos until someone has been ordered it. But we can send you a photo before we ship it out, don't worry. n_n
03-03 03:09 UtauAngel
Hi, so do i have to request for her angel wings to be made?
03-03 04:03 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello UtauAngel, we are sorry we can not make this wings, since it is hard to ship and it easy broken.
