Nightwing Cosplay from Superman in Kandor


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01-09 08:41 Jakob Andreasen
would very much like to see images of this before i am to buy it...
01-09 20:33 CosplayFu (
Hello Jakob Andreasen, this is our commission series, and we will update the actual product photos as soon as possible.  If you order it, we will send you the actual product photos before ship it to you, and our tailor will adjust it if you don't satisfy with it, so please don't worry about this.  n_n

01-07 22:03 Chris
Can you actually make this or is it just cartoon pics only? If you can, are the boots included? And the mask, gloves, belts, etc.?
01-07 22:12 CosplayFu (
Hello Chris, this costume includes the jumpsuit, gloves, mask, belts, bags & shoulder pads, no boots.
This is our commission series, and we will update the actual product photos as soon as possible.  If you order it, we will send you the actual product photos before ship it to you, and our tailor will adjust it if you don't satisfy with it, so please don't worry about this.  n_n
