Brown Wig (Short,Spike,Antonio)


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08-12 05:34 Amira
Hello. I'm going to use this as a Hiccup wig from How to train your dragon, and I was wondering if it can be styled a little longer, cause Hiccups hair almost goes to his shoulder. :) also, if the total wig can be styled that way, or if I just have to style it to perfection at home :)
08-12 11:35 CosplayFu (
Hello Amira, This wig is made of heat-resisting fiber, you can use tools which under 200 degree centigrade to style it. But we don't recommend you change the style too much. If you want another style wig of this color and length, you can submits ticket to our Support Center and let my teammates help you directly. n_n
