Long Wig (Green,Straight,Cc CF06)


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10-20 15:47 Hyunmi
umm if i order this not will i get it by oct 29? before halloween? i live in toronto canada
10-21 01:44 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Hyunmi, the processing time for this wig is 3-6 workdays (excluding shipping time), so I think it is possible to reach you before halloween if you can pay extra to choose UPS as shipping method (it takes 4-6 days to deliver your package).
10-07 17:09 mai-chan
can this be made sth like from this color? http://www.cosplayfu.com/product/Green+Wig+%28Short%2CSpike%2CXSP03RY%2CCF29%29 or sth not neon green~
10-07 17:43 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello mai-chan, If you want another style wig of this color and length, you can submits ticket to our Support Center and let my teammates help you directly. n_n
