Lucca Coslay from Chrono Trigger


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10-03 21:47 Sarah England
Okay! Hmm, that didn't really answer my question, though. I am in Kuala Lumpur right now and was wondering if you had any costumes already made that I could pick up before leaving tomorrow! I would love to have it for Halloween.
10-04 02:09 CosplayFu (
Hello Sarah England, we have some costume in stock ,but for the free shipping it will takes about 25-30 business days to delivery, and though the faster shipping will takes about 3-6 business days, so we are afraid it can not send it to you before tomorrow.
10-03 20:41 Sarah England
Hello, I know this is last minute but I am in Kuala Lumpur right now until tomorrow and was wondering if there was any possible chance that I could come in and purchase a costume before I leave. I was thinking either Lucca from Chrono Trigger, Vaporion from Pokemon, or Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil. Do you think this is possible?
10-03 21:27 CosplayFu (
Hello Sarah England, if you order standard size now and use the fastest shipping method (Premium Express, 3-6 days shipping time), it will reach you around early Nov.   n_n

*All shipping information (including methods, cost & estimated delivered date) will be shown in order page, before payment; you can pay extra cost to upgrade shipping method there.
*Please remember to mark down the date (you need it) in the order form when you order it. :)
