Allen Wig from D Gray Man


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10-29 06:21 GrinReaperGal
Sorry 4 bein a pain in the ass but is it styleble cos i found a few wigs tat arent alloweded to style. Seems lik they cant be hair-sparyed or gel-ed.Thanks
10-29 20:59 CosplayFu (
Hello GrinReaperGal,This Allen Wig is straight, you just comb it simply,it will like picture.If you want the wig styled with spike,you can click to

10-29 04:42 GrinReaperGal
Um is the delivery international...i live in Malaysia
10-29 04:56 CosplayFu (
Hello GrinReaperGal,  we offer free shipping (Hong Kong Post, 20-30 days as shipping time)worldwide, you can pay extra cost to choose a faster shipping method. The estimated delivered date and all shipping information will be shown in order page.
