Sesshomaru Cosplay from Inuyasha


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03-23 21:26 haruhi
Hello, I was wondeirng, how long is the top, like, does it stp around the mid-thigh, where?
03-24 04:23 CosplayFu (
The length of the top depends on the size. If you have any questions, feel free to submit your ticket at the" Support Center"
04-15 13:28 Aisuru N
about the sleeves on the sesshomaru top, how long are they once youre actually wearing the costume? i dont need exact measurements, i was just wondering in terms of comparing it to a point on the body. like if it came as long as my hips or to my knee.
04-19 02:30 CosplayFu (
Hello,Aisuru. Thanks for you support. It is near your knees when you put down your hand.
