White Wig (Straight,130cm,CF24)


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10-20 12:39 Tabitha Yanez
Hi! Is this wig suitable for a Weiss Schnee cosplay? I need it to be very white in color and the ability to style it into a pony tail. Is all of this possible with this wig? Here is a link to the character: http://www.zerochan.net/1514156#full
10-20 15:59 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello Tabitha Yanez, yes you can style our wigs into a pony tail. With regards to the pic, the hair is a bit wavy, you might want to check other white wigs in the site that is a bit wavy. ^_^
04-13 18:05 E.P
If I braided this. Do you think this would make a good wig for KugelMugel? Link to a picture if you need onehttp://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/362/4/2/kugelmugel___aph_by_hikarimaeda-d4kk4kv.png
04-13 18:19 CosplayFu (support@cosplayfu.com)
Hello E.P, I guess this wig is made of 2 parts: the base wig & 2 braids.  Please submit ticket (with reference pictures like you gave here) to our Support Center and let my teammates help you directly, they will send you some wig photos.  n_n
