Sasuke Wig (Blue) from Naruto Shippuuden


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11-08 09:00 Daniella Hansen
You can see if we have right? We have under this email: Cuz we really want too know if something have gone wrong? we are sure we have payed, but some mistake could have been maked. if thats the case then im sorry if i sounded mad, but i really want my things. But pleass do me that favor too look. just so i can see what im gonna do. ):
11-08 21:15 CosplayFu (
Hi Daniella,please contact support our center for tracking information (
11-08 07:14 Daniella Hansen
number!? what!? what are you talking about i orded that wig september the 22. and im still waiting and i have too use it at sunday! this week! and i been waiting the time it took. all i need too know is how do i know its here!?
11-08 21:14 CosplayFu (
Hi Daniella,please contact support our center for tracking information (
