Ciel Shoes (A534) from Kuroshitsuji


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06-25 22:24 Melissa
Also how tall is this one heel?
06-26 02:04 CosplayFu (
Hello Melissa, it is about 3cm. n_n

06-25 22:22 Melissa
Could you make this shoe but look like this This shoe look like the material is like shiny metallic, while the nor on the link looks more matte color and real.
06-26 01:02 CosplayFu (
Hello Melissa, actually, both shoes are made by artificial leather and made by same shoes tailor, but the color & design are different, so you will feel the outlook is different.  If yo'd like to change the shoes color or design, please submit ticket (with product link & request) to our Support Center and let my teammate helps you directly.  n_n
