Brown Wig (Short,Straight,Keima)


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10-26 21:05 Ashley
I have a few questions about the product, "Brown Wig (Short,Straight,Keima)." 1) I was wondering what material it was made out of and if it will be ok to use with heat; preferably a flat iron? 2)Does this wig fit all sizes? 3) If it were to be worn, would it be any shorter than in the picture provided? Thank you so much and I would really appreciate if these questions were answered.
10-26 22:28 CosplayFu (
Hello,Ashley,thanks for supporting us.1)It's made out of heat resisting fiber.It's ok to ues with heat,but make sure the temperature is under 200 ℃.2)The wig is adjustable.3)when you wear it,it would not be any shorten than in the picture provided.
05-17 22:19 Erik Salazar
I can't really find out if this wig is heat resisting fiber. Is it?
05-18 20:35 CosplayFu (
Hello Erik Salazar. Yes, it is.
