Ciel Shoes (B123) from Kuroshitsuji II


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04-14 14:30 Kat
Can I order these shoes in a custom size?
04-14 21:26 CosplayFu (
Hello Kat, what size do you want? pls submit a ticket (with product link &question) to our Support Center at and let my teammates help you directly. n_n
06-07 11:05 carly
i got my rin shoes from here last time and they smelled. REALLY BAD. my mom had to put them in the basement and we can still smell them and its been months after the con. i really did like them though,and i plan on getting these shoes for my ciel cosplay. is there any way to stop them from smelling so bad?
06-08 12:00 CosplayFu (
Hello  Carly, you should sprinkle some amount of baking soda inside & outside your shoes, leave overnight, then clap the soles of your shoes together or vacuum out. It's great for absorbing smells and is the main ingredient in most odor-killing branded products. n_n
